
Willie Haak



Shannon Penneman
Church Secretary
phone: (817) 523-7271

 Agnes Baptist Church is blessed to have Shannon Penneman as our Church Secretary. Her office hours typically are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 8:00-3:00 PM. Feel free to contact Shannon with any questions or needs that you may have. Shannon and her husband Jason Penneman have been married for 19 years and have served faithfully together in our Church since 2017. They have two children Lyra and Logan that are actively involved in Band and Sports. pictured: Jason & Shannon Penneman

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Allan Swan, Ken Carnathan, & Carl Fox
phone: (817) 523-7271

Our church is blessed to have the above men as Godly servants. Based on the qualifications outlined in Acts 6, and 1 Timothy 3, deacons serve Christ by serving the church itself. The primary task of the Deacon is to serve Christ's Church and to maintain love and unity among the Family of Faith. A Deacon is characterized by a spirit of brotherhood and common purpose, a good reputation, and should be full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, upholding the hands of the pastor by affirming his leadership and authority, and instilling unity by example in the church while ministering to the needs of the Members. Please feel free to contact them with any needs you may have.